How To Write a Resolver

This howto will outline the steps a developer needs to take when creating a new (very basic) Resolver. Rather than focus on support for a particular version control system or cloud platform this Resolver will simply respond with with some hard-coded YAML.

If you aren’t yet familiar with the meaning of “resolution” when it comes to Tekton, a short summary follows. You might also want to read a little bit into Tekton Pipelines, particularly the docs on specifying a target Pipeline to run and, if you’re feeling particularly brave or bored, the really long design doc describing Tekton Resolution.

What’s a Resolver?

A Resolver is a program that runs in a Kubernetes cluster alongside Tekton Pipelines and “resolves” requests for Tasks and Pipelines from remote locations. More concretely: if a user submitted a PipelineRun that needed a Pipeline YAML stored in a git repo, then it would be a Resolver that’s responsible for fetching the YAML file from git and returning it to Tekton Pipelines.

This pattern extends beyond just git, allowing a developer to integrate support for other version control systems, cloud buckets, or storage systems without having to modify Tekton Pipelines itself.

Just want to see the working example?

If you’d prefer to look at the end result of this howto you can take a visit the ./resolver-template in the Tekton Resolution repo. That template is built on the code from this howto to get you up and running quickly.


Before getting started with this howto you’ll need to be comfortable developing in Go and have a general understanding of how Tekton Resolution works.

You’ll also need the following:

  • A computer with kubectl and ko installed.
  • A Kubernetes cluster running at least Kubernetes 1.22. A kind cluster should work fine for following the guide on your local machine.
  • An image registry that you can push images to. If you’re using kind make sure your KO_DOCKER_REPO environment variable is set to kind.local.
  • Tekton Pipelines and remote resolvers installed in your Kubernetes cluster. See the installation guide for instructions on installing it.

First Steps

The first thing to do is create an initial directory structure for your project. For this example we’ll create a directory and initialize a new go module with a few subdirectories for our code:

$ mkdir demoresolver

$ cd demoresolver

$ go mod init

$ mkdir -p cmd/demoresolver

$ mkdir config

The cmd/demoresolver directory will contain code for the resolver and the config directory will eventually contain a yaml file for deploying the resolver to Kubernetes.

Initializing the resolver’s binary

A Resolver is ultimately just a program running in your cluster, so the first step is to fill out the initial code for starting that program. Our resolver here is going to be extremely simple and doesn’t need any flags or special environment variables, so we’ll just initialize it with a little bit of boilerplate.

Create cmd/demoresolver/main.go with the following setup code:

package main

import (

func main() {
    framework.NewController(context.Background(), &resolver{}),

type resolver struct {}

This won’t compile yet but you can download the dependencies by running:

# Depending on your go version you might not need the -compat flag
$ go mod tidy -compat=1.17

Writing the Resolver

If you try to build the binary right now you’ll receive the following error:

$ go build -o /dev/null ./cmd/demoresolver

cmd/demoresolver/main.go:11:78: cannot use &resolver{} (type *resolver) as
type framework.Resolver in argument to framework.NewController:
        *resolver does not implement framework.Resolver (missing GetName method)

We’ve already defined our own resolver type but in order to get the resolver running you’ll need to add the methods defined in the framework.Resolver interface to your main.go file. Going through each method in turn:

The Initialize method

This method is used to start any libraries or otherwise setup any prerequisites your resolver needs. For this example we won’t need anything so this method can just return nil.

// Initialize sets up any dependencies needed by the resolver. None atm.
func (r *resolver) Initialize(context.Context) error {
  return nil

The GetName method

This method returns a string name that will be used to refer to this resolver. You’d see this name show up in places like logs. For this simple example we’ll return "Demo":

// GetName returns a string name to refer to this resolver by.
func (r *resolver) GetName(context.Context) string {
  return "Demo"

The GetSelector method

This method should return a map of string labels and their values that will be used to direct requests to this resolver. For this example the only label we’re interested in matching on is defined by tektoncd/resolution:

// GetSelector returns a map of labels to match requests to this resolver.
func (r *resolver) GetSelector(context.Context) map[string]string {
  return map[string]string{
    common.LabelKeyResolverType: "demo",

What this does is tell the resolver framework that any ResolutionRequest object with a label of "": "demo" should be routed to our example resolver.

We’ll also need to add another import for this package at the top:

import (

  // Add this one; it defines LabelKeyResolverType we use in GetSelector


The ValidateParams method

The ValidateParams method checks that the params submitted as part of a resolution request are valid. Our example resolver doesn’t expect any params so we’ll simply ensure that the given map is empty.

// ValidateParams ensures parameters from a request are as expected.
func (r *resolver) ValidateParams(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) error {
  if len(params) > 0 {
    return errors.New("no params allowed")
  return nil

You’ll also need to add the "errors" package to your list of imports at the top of the file.

The Resolve method

We implement the Resolve method to do the heavy lifting of fetching the contents of a file and returning them. For this example we’re just going to return a hard-coded string of YAML. Since Tekton Pipelines currently only supports fetching Pipeline resources via remote resolution that’s what we’ll return.

The method signature we’re implementing here has a framework.ResolvedResource interface as one of its return values. This is another type we have to implement but it has a small footprint:

// Resolve uses the given params to resolve the requested file or resource.
func (r *resolver) Resolve(ctx context.Context, params map[string]string) (framework.ResolvedResource, error) {
  return &myResolvedResource{}, nil

// our hard-coded resolved file to return
const pipeline = `
kind: Pipeline
  name: my-pipeline
  - name: hello-world
      - image: alpine:3.15.1
        script: |
          echo "hello world"

// myResolvedResource wraps the data we want to return to Pipelines
type myResolvedResource struct {}

// Data returns the bytes of our hard-coded Pipeline
func (*myResolvedResource) Data() []byte {
  return []byte(pipeline)

// Annotations returns any metadata needed alongside the data. None atm.
func (*myResolvedResource) Annotations() map[string]string {
  return nil

The deployment configuration

Finally, our resolver needs some deployment configuration so that it can run in Kubernetes.

A full description of the config is beyond the scope of a short howto but in summary we’ll tell Kubernetes to run our resolver application along with some environment variables and other configuration that the underlying knative framework expects. The deployed application is put in the tekton-pipelines namespace and uses ko to build its container image. Finally the ServiceAccount our deployment uses is resolver, which is the default ServiceAccount shared by all resolvers in the tekton-pipelines namespace.

The full configuration follows:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: demoresolver
  namespace: tekton-pipelines
  replicas: 1
      app: demoresolver
        app: demoresolver
          - podAffinityTerm:
                  app: demoresolver
            weight: 100
      serviceAccountName: resolver
      - name: controller
        image: ko://
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 100Mi
            cpu: 1000m
            memory: 1000Mi
        - name: metrics
          containerPort: 9090
        - name: SYSTEM_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: CONFIG_LOGGING_NAME
          value: config-logging
          value: config-observability
        - name: METRICS_DOMAIN
          allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
          readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
          runAsNonRoot: true
            - all

Phew, ok, put all that in a file at config/demo-resolver-deployment.yaml and you’ll be ready to deploy your application to Kubernetes and see it work!

Trying it out

Now that all the code is written your new resolver should be ready to deploy to a Kubernetes cluster. We’ll use ko to build and deploy the application:

$ ko apply -f ./config/demo-resolver-deployment.yaml

Assuming the resolver deployed successfully you should be able to see it in the output from the following command:

$ kubectl get deployments -n tekton-pipelines

# And here's approximately what you should see when you run this command:
controller    1/1     1            1           2d21h
demoresolver  1/1     1            1           91s
webhook       1/1     1            1           2d21

To exercise your new resolver, let’s submit a request for its hard-coded pipeline. Create a file called test-request.yaml with the following content:

kind: ResolutionRequest
  name: test-request
  labels: demo

And submit this request with the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f ./test-request.yaml && kubectl get --watch resolutionrequests

You should soon see your ResolutionRequest printed to screen with a True value in its SUCCEEDED column: created
test-request   True

Press Ctrl-C to get back to the command line.

If you now take a look at the ResolutionRequest’s YAML you’ll see the hard-coded pipeline yaml in its field. It won’t be totally recognizable, though, because it’s encoded as base64. Have a look with the following command:

$ kubectl get resolutionrequest test-request -o yaml

You can convert that base64 data back into yaml with the following command:

$ kubectl get resolutionrequest test-request -o jsonpath="{$}" | base64 -d

Great work, you’ve successfully written a Resolver from scratch!

Next Steps

At this point you could start to expand the Resolve() method in your Resolver to fetch data from your storage backend of choice.

Or if you prefer to take a look at a more fully-realized example of a Resolver, see the code for the gitresolver hosted in the Tekton Pipeline repo.

Finally, another direction you could take this would be to try writing a PipelineRun for Tekton Pipelines that speaks to your Resolver. Can you get a PipelineRun to execute successfully that uses the hard-coded Pipeline your Resolver returns?

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